abbott and costello meet the mummy in Chinese
- 两傻捉尸记
- "abbott" in Chinese : n. 阿博特〔姓氏〕。
- "costello" in Chinese : n. 科斯特洛〔姓氏〕。
- "meet" in Chinese : adj. 〔古语〕适当的,适合的,相称的 (for;to ...
- "mummy" in Chinese : n. 〔英、儿〕妈妈。
- "abbott and costello meet captain kidd" in Chinese : 两傻寻宝记
- "abbott and costello go to mars" in Chinese : 两傻飞渡海神星
- "costello" in Chinese : n. 科斯特洛〔姓氏〕。
- "mummy" in Chinese : n. 1.木乃伊;(普通)干尸;木乃伊似的人;干瘪的人。 2.木乃伊粉(刀伤 ...
- "mummy,the" in Chinese : 木乃伊
- "the mummy" in Chinese : 盗墓迷城; 恐怖木乃伊; 木乃伊之神鬼传奇; 永眠的诅咒
- "abbott" in Chinese : n. 阿博特〔姓氏〕。
- "mummy mummy" in Chinese : 木乃伊
- "dolores costello" in Chinese : 多洛雷斯・卡斯特洛
- "elvis costello" in Chinese : 艾维斯柯斯提洛; 科斯特罗
- "larry costello" in Chinese : 拉里・科斯特诺
Other Languages
- "abbott and costello meet the mummy" meaning in Russian: Эбботт и Костелло встречают Мумию
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What is the meaning of abbott and costello meet the mummy in Chinese and how to say abbott and costello meet the mummy in Chinese? abbott and costello meet the mummy Chinese meaning, abbott and costello meet the mummy的中文,abbott and costello meet the mummy的中文,abbott and costello meet the mummy的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by